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price: 232.47 PLN

This board is most usable in organ emulators as stops/pistons addition to a MIDI set built with MRG, or MIDI128 boards. It takes care of 24 contacts and every one of them is paired with LED driver. This is to enable momentary normally-open switches to work as bistable lighted stops/pistons. One press of a button lights up associated LED, and Master board sends appropriate MIDI message. Next button press turns the light off and the master generates MIDI for off state. Part of the inputs (or all) can be assigned to work in 1-of-many mode, where pressing one button lights up the LED, and turns off all other ones in the group. LITSW can be used as any other scanner/expander with any Master controller available here

As any other scanner board, this one cannot work just by itself, but it needs one of the master controllers to operate.


  • scans 24 contacts
  • drives 24 LEDS directly at about 3mA (high efficiency LEDs recommended)
  • with addition of LITBO higher currents are possible, up to 1A
  • LEDs can be controlled by incoming MIDI when working with MRG2 v2.5
  • user defined split point for independent, and 1-of-many group of buttons
  • can be used as banks/programs unit, with rows of buttons for "tens" and "units"
  • ability create an array of 24 CCs - every input can then have independent MIDI event and channel
  • option to use last button as General Cancel, resetting all active LEDs within one LITSW, while the master sends all off-state MIDI messages for previously active buttons.
  • user changeable polarity of LED outputs to use common anode or cathode connection
  • usable with MRG2, MBBS, MIDI128, MPOT32
  • includes cable to master controller
  • dimensions: 93x22mm (3.7''x0.9'')
  • more marketing talk

The board has 3 black connectors for user devices, as shown in the photo above. Each of them covers 8 pairs of button+LED according to the following schematic:

When using LITBO add-on board, the buttons must be wired the same way (shorting to GND), but outputs are then reversed, sinking current to GND in on-state, while the supply rail of the loads may reach 25V.
You may be interested also in the following products (click the image for more info):
LITBO power booster for LED outputs, up to 0.5A each
WIPLUG breakout board distributing 2 ribbon cables to 32 screw terminals
WIPLUG2 small utility board for soldering individual wires to 16-pin header

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