DIY kit is what kids today love the most, so here it is, first kit from MIDI-hardware!
It's rather complex build consisting of roughly 150 parts, so prepare for 2 hours of soldering. And hopefully you will enjoy playing it just as much as assembling it.
This is four-oscillator cross-modulation drone sound generator, that can also play nice and polite sounds, even controled via external Hz/V signal. But that's not why it was made for.
There are 4 identical VCOs, each producing 3 waveforms that can be separately mixed to audio output and to modulation matrix.
Each VCO can frequency modulate all other 3 VCOs, so you can expect wild and crazy sounds coming out of it.
This is how it looks like assembled:
Here's a review by Synth Diy Guy:
and one of the early recordings made with first prototype:
download user manual
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